Audit Flo GPS Location Feature: 4 Reasons to Love It  

The Address Field is one of Audit Flo’s most appreciated & popular features. The Address Field uses your phone’s GPS location feature to establish your precise location. Even if you’re not in cellular range, you can preserve exact logs of your audit locations. The geolocation function in the Audit Flo App will retrieve your location’s coordinates. When using inspection data to make business choices, accuracy is critical, especially for worksite locations. It’s also useful for locations that don’t have a Google Maps address. Improved precision on the jobsite. Here are four compelling reasons to begin utilizing it.

1. Maintain an on-site record of issues.

When conducting audits, take account of where errors are emerging on site by adding various address entries to differentiate between audits completed at different regions of the site. Building sites, for instance, are quite complicated, with a lot of moving employees and equipment. When you find a hazard on site, use your GPS to pinpoint its specific location so you can return later.

2. Keep a GPS log of where audits are being conducted.

With Audit Flo, you can easily keep track of which audits are being conducted where. When you’re auditing, simply open the Address Field, locate yourself using the pin drop tool, or simply tap to place a pin on the map for an accurate gps coordinate measurement.

3. Ability to nest a GPS location and locate objects easily

If you’re doing a workplace audit, you could be utilising your GPS to track the location of any object. Provide coordinates for each piping system on the premises, for example, to keep track of their placements. Nest an Address Field to keep a proper record of each object.

4. Increased Accountability & Transparency 

With the Geo-location feature with date and timestamp, there will be increased accountability and transparency among your team. It will also help you determine the amount of time it took for specific members of the team to complete an inspection.

With Audit Flo, you can now conduct hasslefree with the ability to track an issue and its completion from the beginning to the end. Avail this and many useful features now via free trial of the Audit Flo app. 

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